Sunday, April 1, 2007

Episode 2

Two things I want to talk about today, and let's take them in sequence. First, It's so stupid when girls drop something on purpose to see if a guy will pick it up. I was totally a witness of this happening today just minutes ago, and this is not the first time I have seen this event take place in real life. Girls, let me just say don't do this. When you drop something knowing that you want a guy to pick it up, that's just stupid. Obviously if a guy is going to pick that thing up if he has any manners and it has nothing to do with whether or not they like you. Serious. And its just going to piss them off when they find out or think they know that you are doing it on purpose.


Second thing. I hate when people do things so sneaky that really aren't a big deal. Like "take milk from the cafeteria". I overheard some girl saying to her friend she was going to steal milk for her room from the cafeteria. Well the amount of milk she was stealing was one little tiny cup. Give me a break. The cafeteria doesn't give a rats ass if you take a cup of their milk so don't move all stealthy when you are doing it. Don't like dodge or look away from the cafeteria workers. Are you really that scared? You are only drawing more attention to yourself. What idiots.

Anyways that's all for today! Later!

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